The ancient Greeks made first elevators, by using pulleys and winches. What made revolution in elevator technology? Read all about interesting elevators history and evolutions.
What was the first elevator? What is the first documented proof of elevator use? What about modern elevators? Read about history and origins of elevators.
There are evidences that many ancient civilizations have used some type of elevators. What forms of elevator transport was present in those ancient times? Read about the ancient elevator "moving platforms".
Check out important dates in elevator history. Here are the most important milestones in elevator evolution.
What is elevator music? This calm, relaxing music today is often used in many areas beside elevators. Read about elevator music.
The first escalator was created in the mid 19th century, two years after the first passenger elevator. Who are inventors and manufacturers of these famous escalators? Check out important information about history of escalators.
Among many types of elevators that were created in the last 150 years, Paternoster managed to distinguish themselves by their innovative design and the way they were used. Here you can learn more about them.
One of the most interesting transportation innovations of late 19th century was without the doubt moving walkway. Here you can read more about how this great invention impacted our modern civilization and how it changed the way we move in public areas.